Khurshid Khan Elected As President Of KP Karate Association For Next Term


Khurshid Khan elected as President of KP Karate Association for next term

ABBOTTABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Khurshid Khan from Peshawar has been elected as the President of KP Karate Association for the next four-year term while Chaudhry Asim from Abbottabad has been elected unopposed as the Secretary.

The electoral meeting of the Provincial Karate Association's General Body was held at the Abaseen Hall of Jalal Baba Auditorium Abbottabad.

The meeting was attended by Chairman Pakistan Karate Federation Muhammad Jahangir and Regional sports Officer Abbottabad Ahmad Zaman, who participated as special observers from the Provincial Sports Directorate. The outgoing Secretary, Khalid Noor, presented the association's four-year performance report, which received high praise from all participants representing various divisions of the province.

During the meeting Senior Vice President Khalid Noor, Vice Presidents including Irfanullah Khan, Habibullah, Shahid Ashraf Awan, Muhammad Hanif, Joint Secretaries including Baz Muhammad, Nazia Ali, Treasurer Tauqeer Azam while the Executive Council members elected were Ajab Khan, Muhammad Shiraz Awan, Haseeb Nazir, Neelum Bibi, Jamal Khan, Neha Tariq Abbasi and Noor Fatima.

The newly elected officebearers pledged to use all available resources to promote the sport of karate. Chairman Pakistan Karate Federation Muhammad Jahangir congratulated all members of the Provincial Association for conducting the election process transparently and peacefully. He reiterated his full support and patronage from the Pakistan Karate Federation.