KP CM Chairs Meeting Of Integrated Security Architecture’s Apex Committee

KP CM chairs meeting of Integrated Security Architecture’s apex committee

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Apr, 2024) Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur on Tuesday presided over the fourth important meeting of the apex committee of Integrated Security Architecture here.

Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Hassan Azhar Hayat, cabinet members, Chief Secretary and IGP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa attended the meeting while the high civil and military officials and representatives of related Federal institutions were present on the occasion.

An official communique issued here by CM secretariat said that the meeting had a detailed review of the implementation of the decisions made in the previous meeting of the forum for prevention of criminal activities including extortion, money laundering, illegal arms, smuggling, forgery, drug trafficking and other crimes in the province.

The committee emphasized on the need to improve coordination between the relevant provincial and federal institutions for elimination of all illegal activities.

It was recommended by the participants that a meeting of the Central Apex Committee should be held in Peshawar to resolve the issues related to federation for effective prevention of crimes and other illegal activities.

The meeting decided to continue strict measures for the effective prevention of illegal activities that contribute to terrorism and for the purpose the relevant federal and provincial departments and intelligence agencies would carry out coordinated operations together.

The meeting was apprehensive of the cases of extortion and drug peddling and decided to form a joint task force comprising all relevant law enforcement agencies for effective countering of the crimes.

The committee decided to expand the powers of CTD through necessary legislation to effectively deal with the issue of extortion.

It was decided to take strict action against the government officials who provide support in smuggling while decisions related to strengthening of joint check posts and equipping those with modern technology to prevent smuggling were also taken.

The committee expressed concern over supply of drugs in educational institutions and decided to keep a special watch on the supply of drugs in educational institutions and take indiscriminate actions against the elements involved in the heinous crime.

It also decided to amend the relevant laws to give tougher punishments to the elements involved in drug peddling besides setting up a state of the art rehabilitation center for the treatment of drug addicts in the province.

The committee agreed to step up crackdowns against bigwigs involved in drug production and supply .

The apex committee discussed smuggling of illegal and prohibited goods and decided to create an effective trace and track system besides forming bodies at the district level to implement the decisions made in the apex committee meeting and prevent the smuggling.

The committee decided to strengthen Police, Excise, Customs, ANF and other agencies to tackle illegal activities and directed these bodies to sit together and formulate a workable plan in this regard.

It was decided to recommend the federal government to introduce a uniform policy and system related to smuggling and NCP vehicles.

Matters related to the prevention of illegal use of explosives were discussed and it was decided to ban fireworks at weddings and other events, audit of previously issued permits for explosives business, making the monitoring system of District Explosive Committees effective and have a check on arms business in Dara Adamkhel.

The committee discussed voluntary return of illegal foreigners and was informed that so far over 300,000 illegal foreigners had voluntarily returned to their own countries while the profiling of Afghan citizen card holders was being conducted.

The committee was informed that last year smuggled items worth more than six billion rupees were confiscated, 78 tons of drugs seized in joint anti-narcotics operations, 3571 madrasas were registered, more than nine million illegal mobile SIMs were blocked, 1.93 billion rupees were seized in the proceedings against money launders and over one lakh NCP vehicles were profiled in the last four months.

Speaking on the occasion the Chief Minister said that there was a dire need of forums like KP Integrated Security Architecture body in the context of the current law and order situation in the province.

He said the forum was important not only for the province but for the entire country, adding that in the current security situation in the province, all the institutions need to work together.

He emphasized on coordination and teamwork between civil and military agencies to cope with the activities of terrorism, militancy and organized crimes.

The participants of the meeting offered Fatiha for the martyrs of security forces and law enforcement agencies in the incidents of terrorism and presented them tributes.

The CM said that security and law enforcement agencies had offered unprecedented sacrifices for peace in the province and the country.
