LHC Disposes Of Qaisara Elahi's Plea Against Police High Ups

LHC disposes of Qaisara Elahi's plea against police high ups

The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Tuesday disposed of a contempt petition filed by Qaisara Elahi, the wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf President Chaudhry Parvez Elahi, against DIGs of operation and investigation

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Dec, 2023) The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Tuesday disposed of a contempt petition filed by Qaisara Elahi, the wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf President Chaudhry Parvez Elahi, against DIGs of operation and investigation.

Justice Sultan Tanvir Ahmad announced the verdict on Qaisara Elahi's petition which had been reserved after hearing detailed arguments of the parties on November 23.

The court observed that there was no perceived need for further criminal action in view of unconditional written apologies tendered by the DIG Operations Lahore and the DIG Investigation Lahore with assurance to exercise caution in future.

The court further observed that respondents (DIGs), instead of disputing the petition's merits, tendered an unconditional apology, appealing for the court's mercy.

Their legal representatives contended that they understood the court's order applied to entities operating within the province of Punjab, it added.

The court observed that the power to impose punishment for contempt of court was an extraordinary authority, and its use should be approached with extreme caution, avoiding any vindictive motives, as forgiveness was also emphasized in islam.

Qaisara Elahi had approached the court for contempt proceedings against the DIGs over the arrest of her husband from Lahore by Islamabad police after the LHC set him free with a restraining order against his possible arrest.