Mehfil-e-Meliad (PBUH) Held At LHC Bahawalpur Bench

Mehfil-e-Meliad (PBUH) held at LHC Bahawalpur bench

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Dec, 2016 ) : Mehfil-e-Meliad (Peace Be Upon Him) was organized at Lahore High Court, Bahawalpur bench in connection with the celebrations of Eid Meliad-un-Nabi (PBUH).

The ceremony of Eid Meliad-un-Nabi (PBUH) was presided over by Senior Justice of Lahore High Court Bahawalpur bench, Justice Malik Shahzad Ahmad Khan while prominent religious scholar Bilal Qutab was the guest of honor.

Members of the lawyers' community recited Naat Shareef. Justice Malik Shahzad Ahmad Khan, President Lahore High Court Bar Association Bahawalpur Nawazish Ali Peerzada and religious scholar Bilal Qutb spoke on this occasion and highlighted various features of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).