Mehfil-e-Mushaira Held


Mehfil-e-Mushaira held

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Dec, 2016 ) : Bazam-e-Waris Shah Pakistan and 12 other literary organizations organised a Mehfil-e- Mushaira here on Friday at Chopal Naser Bagh to mark the second anniversary of Shuhada of the Army Public school Peshawar.

A rally was also held in which Jehangir Jhoja advocate, Raja Zulqarnain advocate, renowned poet Maj (r) Khalid Nasar Mumtaz, Prof Nazar Bhindar, Robia Jilani, Perveen Wafa, Ghugafta Ghazal Hashmi and a large number of poets and intellectuals participated and expressed their feelings.

Speaking on the occasion, the speakers said the Pak army had made a lot of achievements through Zarb-e-Azab. "We will make our country a symbol of peace", they added.