Robust Pakistan Imperative For Achieving Kashmir Freedom Movement Goals: Declaration


Robust Pakistan imperative for achieving Kashmir Freedom Movement goals: Declaration

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th May, 2024) Eminent US-based Kashmir freedom struggle activist, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, emphasized the critical need to present the Kashmir cause to the global community effectively by fostering complete unity and organization within the freedom movement.

Speaking at a reception hosted in his honor by Altaf Ahmed Bhat, Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement and senior leader of the Hurriyat Conference, Dr. Fai reiterated the importance of remembering the sacrifices made in the struggle for Kashmir’s self-determination.

The event, held in the Federal metropolis, was attended by prominent figures including All-Party Hurriyat Conference Convenor Mahmood Ahmed Sagar, Secretary-General of the Hurriyat Conference Sheikh Abdul Mateen, and senior Hurriyat Conference leaders Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Muhammad Rafiq Dar, and Muhammad Hussain Khatib, among others.

Dr. Fai expressed his gratitude to Altaf Ahmed Bhat for hosting the ceremony, highlighting that the Kashmiri people's struggle aligns with the United Nations Charter, as they seek their right to self-determination.

He underscored the ongoing efforts to secure this fundamental right, noting the growing global awareness of the Kashmir issue.

Altaf Ahmed Bhat praised the diplomatic efforts of overseas leaders, including Dr. Fai, Muhammad Ghalib, Raja Fahim Kayani, Nazir Ahmad Qureshi, Zafar Qureshi, and Muzamil Ayub Thakur.

He emphasized the necessity of a unified and organized approach to the Kashmir Freedom Movement, given the immense sacrifices made in the region.

Bhat urged the governments of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan to play a more active role in supporting the movement.

During the reception, participants discussed the challenges faced by the freedom movement and explored potential solutions.

A joint declaration issued at the event unanimously condemned the ongoing state-sponsored oppression and violence in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), as well as the Indian-sponsored farcical elections in the region.

The declaration stated that these elections, marred by coercion and violence, are tactics used by India to undermine the freedom movement.

The declaration called for practical steps from the base camp government and the Pakistani government to counter these conspiracies. With the Hurriyat leadership imprisoned in IIOJK, the responsibility falls on the base camp, the overseas Kashmir Hurriyat Conference, and the people of Pakistan to unite and reinvigorate the Kashmir Freedom Movement.

The mission of the martyrs must be carried forward to amplify the voice of the oppressed yet resilient Kashmiri nation.

The declaration reaffirmed that the Kashmir issue should be resolved based on recognized United Nations resolutions, granting Kashmiris the right to self-determination.

It emphasized that Pakistan is the backbone of the Kashmir Freedom Movement, consistently supporting Kashmiris at political, diplomatic, and moral levels. This support needs further strengthening.

The government of Azad Jammu Kashmir, in collaboration with the Hurriyat Conference and overseas Kashmiri leaders, should work to bolster Pakistan's role as the advocate and main party in the Kashmir freedom struggle.

A stable and strong Pakistan is seen as crucial for the success of the Kashmir Freedom Movement, the declaration reaffirmed.

The declaration underscored that the Kashmiri people view Pakistan as the center of their hopes.

The foundation of the Kashmir Freedom Movement lies in the United Nations resolutions, and a robust Pakistan is essential for achieving the movement's goals.
