UNFPA Delegates Meet ACS To Discuss Second Anti-Rape Crisis Cell At Victoria Hospital Bahawalpur

UNFPA delegates meet ACS to discuss second Anti-Rape Crisis Cell at Victoria Hospital Bahawalpur

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Apr, 2024) A two-member delegation of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) called on Additional Chief Secretary South Punjab, Fuad Hashim Rabbani, at his office here Friday for setting up Punjab’s second Anti-Rape Crisis Cell (ARCC) at Bahawal Victoria Hospital (BVH) to provide evidence-based legal support to rape victims.

With the first ARCC already operational at Nishtar Hospital in Multan, the second such facility in South Punjab will expand the scope of Punjab government’s initiatives to strengthen legal process in aid of rape victims and punish those involved in sexual violence.

UNFPA Technical Specialist Saleha Ramey and Program Officer Tania Durrani held discussion with the Additional Chief Secretary South Punjab to take forward the collaboration between UNFPA and South Punjab Secretariat for establishment of ARCC at BVH, Bahawalpur.

Secretary Services South Punjab, Engineer Amjad Shoaib Khan Tareen was also present.

During the meeting, Mr. Rabbani assured full support from the South Punjab Secretariat for the establishment of the facility and said that the Additional Secretary Specialized Healthcare South Punjab will be made member of the committee overseeing the cell.

Mr. Rabbani said, ARCC at Nishtar Hospital Multan will be replicated in Bahawalpur.

Saliha Ramey discussed the crucial role of the ARCC in preserving medical evidence of sexually abused women. She revealed that the process of acquiring the necessary material for the cell has begun. She also mentioned the launch of helpline 1737 to assist women, particularly the victims of sexual assault and domestic violence who will be able to seek legal help by dialling help line number.

Tania Durrani provided insights into UNFPA's ongoing efforts in family planning and child protection in South Punjab.