More Matches Decided Under PM Youth Talent Hunt Men Handball League-2024

More matches decided under PM Youth Talent Hunt Men Handball League-2024

PESHAWAR, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) Decision of several matches in the ongoing Prime Minister Youth Talent Hunt National Handball League-2024 being played at different venues under the aegis of Directorate of sports inside University of Peshawar premises on Monday.

Adnan Khan, Project Manager, Higher education Commission Islamabad was the chief guest along with the President of Provincial Handball Association and Director of Sports Peshawar University Bahre Karam, Additional Registrar Dr. Noorzada, Ahsan Khan, Sajjad Khan, officials of Pakistan Handball Federation and representatives of Higher Education Commission were also present.

In the matches held on Monday KP White scored a 40-19 goals victory against Federal White team wherein Khyber White players fully dominated the match and did not give many chances to Federal White Team Islamabad to strike back.

In the other match Balochistan White scored 15-11 goals victory against Sindh White in a thrilling match while Balochistan Green scored 30-3 goals win against Sindh Green and Punjab Green defeated Federal Green by 30-06 goal in a one-sided affair.

KP Green defeated Sindh Green by 37-12 goals, while Punjab Green defeated Federal Green by 45-08 goals in a one-sided affair. President KP Handball Association and Director Sports Bahre Karam said that two teams from Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Federal Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are taking part in the National League.

He said University of Peshawar is hosting the provincial as well as National Leagues of the Handball and ensures due facilities to the players of various provinces.
