Agri Dept Taking Practical Steps To Obtain Record Cotton Crop

Agri Dept taking practical steps to obtain record cotton crop

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Dec, 2016 ) : The Punjab Agriculture department is taking practical steps to achieve record yield of cotton crop by focusing on implementation of 23 points in this regard.

According to the agriculture department sources on Friday, the department has advised the cotton growers to follow 23 points which would help them in obtaining record production.

These points provide information to the growers about cultivation planning, preparation of the land, importance of the organic substance, selection of land, acquiring right seed, time of cultivation, growth of seed, seed bed PH preparation, irrigation, fertilizer, hoeing, dealing with the weeds, needs of micro-nutrients, how to deal with insects, picking of cotton, marketing and others, sources said.