BOI To Hold Pak-Italy Business Investment Forum On Dec 6


BOI to hold Pak-Italy Business Investment Forum on Dec 6

ISLAMABAD, Dec 3 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 03rd Dec, 2016 ) : board of Investment (BOI) is organizing a Pakistan-Italy Investment Business Forum here at a local hotel on December 6. BOI sources said that in this connection, Deputy Minister for Economic Italy along with a high level business delegation to visit Pakistan.

During the forum both the countries would discuss ways and means for further enhancing investment and trade relations between the two countries.

Both the sides during the forum are also likely to ink memorandum of understanding for collaboration between the private sector of the two countries.

At the conclusion of the forum both sides would also hold a press conference and announce decisions for enhancing trade and investment relations between the two countries. The visiting Deputy Minister of Economic Italy will also called on the senior government officials for discuss collaboration in various sectors of economy.