Dr Najeeb Emphasis On Completing IMF Program


Dr Najeeb emphasis on completing IMF program

Former advisor to the finance ministry, Dr Khaqan Hassan Najeeb on Thursday emphasized the need for completing International Monetary Funds (IMF), program that help bolstering Pakistan's economy in the critical situation

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) Former advisor to the finance ministry, Dr Khaqan Hassan Najeeb on Thursday emphasized the need for completing International Monetary Funds (IMF), program that help bolstering Pakistan's economy in the critical situation.

Talking to a private television channel program, he urged the political leaders to avoid obstructing the program for implementation.

He underscored the urgency of completion of the current arrangements with IMF to secure the final tranche.

He highlighted the critical role of the IMF program in bolstering Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves.

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