Foreign Currency Account Scheme

Foreign Currency Account Scheme

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Nov, 2016 ) : The Foreign Exchange Rates Committee of Financial Markets Association of Pakistan issued the following Base Rate, here on Friday. BBA BID MAXIMUM RATES RATES WITH FOR PAYMENT OF VALUE date INTEREST BY AUTHORISED DEALERS R A T E S U.S.

DOLLARS VALUE 18-11-16 For 3 months and over but less than 6 months 0.6587% PA 1.4087% PA For 6 months and over but less than 12 Months 1.0254% PA 1.7754% PA For 12 months 1.3618% PA 2.2368% PA For 2 Years 1.3618% PA 2.7368% PA For 3 Years 1.3618% PA 2.9868% PA For 4 years 1.3618% PA 3.2368% PA For 5 years 1.3618% PA 3.3618% PA POUND STERLING VALUE 18-11-16 For 3 months and over but less than 6 Months 0.1484% PA 0.8984% PA For 6 months and over but less than 12 months 0.3153% PA 1.0653% PA For 12 Months 0.5621% PA 1.4371% PA For 2 Years 0.

5621% PA 1.9371% PA For 3 Years 0.5621% PA 2.1871% PA For 4 years 0.5621% PA 2.4371% PA For 5 years 0.5621% PA 2.5621% PA EURO VALUE 18-11-16 For 3 months and over but less than 6 months 0.0786% PA 0.8286% PA For 6 months and over but less than 12 months -0.0334% PA 0.7166% PA For 12 Months -0.1696% PA 0.7054% PA For 2 Years -0.1696% PA 1.2054% PA For 3 Years -0.1696% PA 1.4554% PA For 4 years -0.1696% PA 1.7054% PA For 5 years -0.1696% PA 1.8304% PA JAPANESE Yen VALUE 18-11-16 For 3 months and over but less than 6 months -0.1960% PA 0.5540% PA For 6 months and over but less than 12 months -0.2447% PA 0.5053% PA For 12 Months -0.1420% PA 0.7330% PA For 2 Years -0.1420% PA 1.2330% PA For 3 Years -0.1420% PA 1.4830% PA For 4 Years -0.1420% PA 1.7330% PA For 5 years -0.1420% PA 1.8580% PA APP/as/rn