Iftikhar Malik Felicitates Shehbaz Sharif

Iftikhar Malik felicitates Shehbaz Sharif

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Mar, 2024) SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry former President Iftikhar Ali Malik here Sunday felicitated Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on his election as Prime Minister for the second time and said that his victory is a proof of people's confidence in his leadership and clear vision for the country's future.

He said, "I extend my best wishes for Shehbaz Sharif and pray for his all success in this task of premiership."

Malik said, "the challenges facing Pakistan particularly in the economic sphere, are indeed formidable." He was confident that with his vast experience, dedication, and commitment to serving the people, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif would navigate through these turbulent situations. "Shehbaz Sharif's track record of effective governance and determination in the face of adversity inspires hope and optimism among the all strata of society," he remarked, asserting that his results-oriented approach and prudent economic policies would be instrumental in steering the country out of the prevailing economic quagmire.

Shehbaz Sharif's ability to bring all stakeholders to the table and take them into confidence is commendable and would be crucial in formulating strategies that cater to the needs of every segment of society, he added.

SAARC Chamber's former president Iftikhar Ali Malik urged the Prime Minister to prioritize inclusivity and fairness, ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards prosperity. "By fostering an environment of collaboration and cooperation, we can build a resilient economy on sound footings and withstands any future challenges that may arise," Malik said.

He expressed the confidence in the leadership of Shehbaz Sharif and his vision for a better tomorrow. He prayed Allah may his tenure as Prime Minister be marked by progress, prosperity, and peace for all.