PFC To Take Part In Dusseldorf-Germany Expo

PFC to take part in Dusseldorf-Germany expo

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Sep, 2023 ) :Pakistan Furniture Council (PFC ) will take part in the 4-day Dusseldorf-Germany Expo starting from November 13 to discover business opportunities and explore new market access for Pakistani products In a press statement, Chief Executive Officer PFC Mian Kashif Ashfaq said that PFC along with Chenone will be participating in this mega event.

He said Chenone will also exhibit its high-quality international standards products to capture their share in the global market.

He said it's an excellent opportunity to showcase Pak products and develop business deals with international buyers.

He said PFC and� Chenone have already attended several other international fairs in the US, China, Italy, Sri Lanka etc. and introduced their products which are in great demand.

He hoped to get orders from foreign buyers.TDAP is facilitating the manufacturers of export products.

He said he would also hold a series of marathon meetings with tycoons for investment to avail the government unprecedented special package for foreign investors.