SCCI Delegation Reaches Ethiopia To Participate In Ethio-Pakistan Trade Forum


SCCI delegation reaches Ethiopia to participate in Ethio-Pakistan Trade Forum

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) A 12-member delegation of the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), led by its president Abdul Ghafoor Malik, reachhed Addis Ababa for participation in the Ethio-Pakistan Trade Forum facilitated by the Embassy of Ethiopia in Pakistan.

The entourage received a warm welcome from the government of Ethiopia.

According to the SCCI, sharing his views with the Ethiopian media, SCCI President Abdul Ghafoor Malik expressed his honor for being part of the Pakistani trade delegation to Ethiopia.

He thanked the Ethiopian government and the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad for organizing the visit and praised Ambassador Jemal Beker for his support in strengthening bilateral ties.

Malik highlighted the visit as a pivotal moment for enhancing trade and investment between Pakistan and Ethiopia. He noted Ethiopia's dynamic market and Pakistan's diverse industries as key to fostering beneficial partnerships.

He commended Ethiopia's efforts to liberalize its economy and improve trade policies, creating a conducive environment for international business. Malik expressed eagerness to explore joint ventures and partnerships, adding that the visit would lead to deeper collaboration and mutual prosperity.