Shipping Activity At Port Qasim


Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Dec, 2016 ) : C.V Maersk Savannah carrying was allotted berth at Qasim International Container Terminal on Wednesday, December 14, 2016. Meanwhile three more ships anchorage of Port Qasim (PQ) during last 24 hours.

Berth occupancy was observed at the Port at sixty seven percent on Wednesday where a total of ten ships namely Maersk Savannah, UASC Al-Khor, MSC Mykonos, Serene Susannah, Johann Oldendorff, Bella Masuka, Sienna Princess, Liberty-N, Rebecca Schulte and Lion-M are currently occupying berths to load/offload Containers, Rice, Coal, Fertilizer, LPG, Palm oil and Furnace oil respectively during last 24 hours.

Cargo throughput during last 24 hour stood at 112,546 tonnes, comprising 50,718 import cargo and 61,828 tonnes export cargo inclusive of containerized cargo carried in 3,109 Containers TEUs) 276 import TUEs & 2,833 TEUs exports) was handled at the Port.

Three ships MSC Mykonos, Liberty-N and Lion-M sailed out to sea on Thursday morning, while containers ship UASC Al-Khor is expected to sail on same day afternoon. Three ships C.V Mataquito, M.T Plumeria Coral and M.T Al-Soor-II carrying containers, LPG and Diesel oil are expected to take berths at Container Terminal, SSGC Terminal and FOTCO Terminal respectively on Thursday December 15, while an oil tanker `Brizo' is due to arrive at Port Qasim on same day, and two more container ship `Atacama' and `Uni Florida' & oil tanker `Quetta' are due to arrive on Friday, 16th December-2016.