Steps Demanded To Boost Worker Remittances


Steps demanded to boost worker remittances

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Dec, 2016 ) : The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) on Thursday said country is paying half of the import bill through remittances therefore this sector should be given extra attention.

Overseas remittances play a very important role in boosting forex reserve and balancing trade deficit therefore steps must be taken to ensure its continued flow, said Abdul Rauf Alam, President FPCCI in a statement issued here.

Abdul Rauf Alam said that government should ensure growth in remittances though various initiatives including finding new markets. The president of the Apex chamber called for improvement in the existing system to encourage remittances which would strengthen forex reserves and help national development.

He said that Pakistan received 65 percent of the money from middle East while the rest of the money comes from USA, UK and other countries. Brexit and developments in America can have a negative impact on the remittances for which we should start finding solutions, he underlined.

The sliding oil prices had destabilised the budgets of oil producing nations compelling them to cut development expenditures which damaged inflow of remittances but now oil prices are climbing which would result in increased remittances, he said.