Training For Value Addition In Farm Produce Stressed

Training for value addition in farm produce stressed

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Deputy Director (DD) Fruits & Vegetables Ghulam Ayesha has said that training of farmers for value addition in agriculture produce including fruits and vegetable is imperative to mitigate sufferings of growers in addition to fetching precious foreign exchange for the country.

Addressing a training workshop at Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) on Wednesday, she said although farmers witnessed bumper crops, yet climate changes coupled with pre- and post-harvest losses caused heavy damages to growers. If farmers adopted pre- and post-harvest management strategy by using latest technology, they could save their produce up to 10 per cent and if they opted to value addition and increased shelf life of fruits and vegetables, they could not only overcome their financial constraints easily but they could also earn hefty profit through its exports, she added.

She urged the agricultural scientists and field staff to keep close liaison with the farming community and impart them training about preserving their produce especially fruits and vegetables, so that they could get real price of their produce. She also encouraged females to move in agriculture sector and obtain organic vegetables through kitchen gardening which was not only a healthy hobby but it would also play a pivotal role in reducing the monthly domestic budget.

Principal Scientist Post-harvest Department AARI Zarina Yasmeen said that the farmers could increase their income manifolds by adopting value addition in fruits and vegetables by making their squash, juice, jam, jelly, pickle, etc.

Deputy Director Information Muhammad Ishaq Lashari, Assistant Director Sobia Akram, Agriculture Officer Muhammad Javaid Iqbal and others were also present.