Whitefly Can Cause Colossal Loss To Vegetable Growers

Whitefly can cause colossal loss to vegetable growers

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Mar, 2024) The whitefly can cause a colossal loss to vegetable growers if they do not take immediate steps to save their crops from its attack.

A spokesman for the Agriculture (Extension) Department told to APP here on Sunday that an attack of whitefly was witnessed in vegetable fields. Hence, the farmers should take urgent steps to control it before its severity.

He said that whitefly was a dangerous insect which remained active round the year. Its attack was witnessed at vegetable crops when cotton crops were not present in the fields.

He said that whitefly took growth on the plants of maize, tobacco, fodder, cauliflower, radish, sweet potato, brinjal (eggplant), okra, melon, watermelon, chilli, spinach, gourd, tomato, onion, peas, potato, etc.

Therefore, the growers should conduct pest scouting of their crops twice a week so that its attack could be controlled before any damage to the crop, he added.

He also advised the farmers to listen to the weather reports on radio, television or other media before watering their crops and spraying pesticides.

In this regard, the farmers could get guidance, help and information from the agri helpline as well as from the nearest agriculture office, he added.