Prime Minister Sharif Said In TV Talk Shows, A


 Prime Minister Sharif said in TV talk shows, a

(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) government's fall in March, June, September and October and in summer or winter but the government would complete its remaining term of one and a half year.

"You (Sheikh Rashid) should get ready for next election. Next time, you will not even get chance to become member of the (National) Assembly," the prime minister said. He said the PML-N believed in the politics of values, not power and it never tells lies to the people.

He said as per their commitment, the power plants were being installed countrywide and reiterated that load-shedding would be overcome by 2018. The prime minister told the gathering that the government was going to build 40 more hospitals across the country with accumulative 10,000 beds capacity.

Referring to his Thursday's visit to Gwadar and Sibbi, the prime minister said Balochistan was going to become prosperous as it was government's main focus. He said the roads were being constructed in Balochistan where there was no concept of roads.

The province would be developed at par with Karachi, Lahore or any other developed city. Gwadar would become a pride for Pakistan, he added. The prime minister said the government's efforts for three and a half year were coming to fruition and hoped the country would progress with even swifter pace.

He said the world was acknowledging the progress made by Pakistan and the country would get rid of all issues if the present development pace continues.