Construction Work On Laying Of Optical Fiber Cable B/w China,

Construction work on laying of optical fiber cable b/w China,

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Dec, 2016 ) : The construction work on laying of optical fiber cable between China and Pakistan is in full swing in Abbottabad and Haripur districts.

According to Radio Pakistan quoting sources, the 820km Pakistan-China fiber optic cable project from Rawalpindi to Khunjerab will be completed by Special Communications Organization at a cost of forty four million US Dollars by June 2018.

After completion under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the project will convert the trade corridor into digital corridor. According to Special Communication Organization, the Pakistan-China Optical Fiber Cable project will bring economic benefits and create job opportunities for youth.

Pakistan-China Optical Fiber Cable Project will bring 3-G and 4-G services to Gilgit-Baltistan and far-flung areas of Hazara division.