Shipping Activity At Port Qasim


Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : Shipping activity remained active at the port where two ships C.V CMA CGM Narvel and M.T Silver Ellie C arrying containers adn palm oil took berths at Qasim International Container Terminal and Liquid Cargo Terminal respectively on Thursday.

Meanwhile three more ships C.V San Felix, M.T Karachi and M.V Wlebke With containers, furnace oil and project cargo also arrived at outer anchorage of Port Qasim during last 24 hours. Berth occupancy was managed at the Port at 40% on Thursday where a total of six berths were engaged by ships namely C.V CMA CGM Narvel, C.V Northern Jamboree, M.V Alam Molek, M.V Golden Trader-I, M.T Silver Ellie and M.T Lahore to load/offload containers, cement, soya bean seeds, palm oil and furnace oil respectively during last 24 hours.

Cargo handling registered an upward trend at the port on Thursday where a cargo volume of 148,832 tonnes, comprising 108,984 tonnes import cargo and 39,848 tonnes export cargo inclusive of containerized cargo carried in 3,811 containers (TEUs) (1,732 imports TUEs 2,079 TUEs exports) was handled during last 4 hours.

DEPARTURES: C.V CMA CGM Narvel sailed out to sea on Friday morning, while two more ships Northern Jamboree and Lahore expected to sail on same day afternoon. ARRIVAL schedule: Four ships C.V San Fellx, C.V Hugo Schulte, M.V Wiebke and M.T Shaybah carrying containers, project cargo and diesel oil are expected to take berths at Container Terminal, Multi Purpose Terminal and FOTCO Oil Terminal respectively on Friday, 2nd September-2016, while container cessel MSC Meava is due to arrive at Port Qasim on Saturday, 3rd Swptember and Castro-N is due to arrive on Sunday , 4th September and AL-Safat, MSC Maria Elena and MSC Valencia are due to arrive on Sunday,