Teachers Association Demands Increase Of Budget For Varsities

Teachers association demands increase of budget for varsities

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Associations (FAPUASA) has urged the Federal government to enhance the budget of the public sector universities which has been kept stagnant for the last 7 years.

In a statement issued here on Sunday the association's Sindh chapter General Secretary Abdul Rehman Nangraj said the Sindh government had shown a commitment to increase the budget for the higher education institutions.

However, he requested the provincial government to further enhance the budget for the universities to help them avert the financial crises.

"We demand that the upcoming federal budget should include a significant increase in funding for higher education, as promised by political parties in their election manifestos," he stated.

Nangraj highlighted 7 separate issues, emphasizing that the governments should address the same on priority.

He called for the release of funds to address the non-payment of salaries to the faculty members of newly chartered universities in Mirpurkhas and Larkana districts.

"We strongly urge the Sindh government to withdraw its letter abolishing faculty allowances.

Additionally, we demand an increase in allowances and salaries by up to 50 percent to combat rising inflation," he demanded on behalf of FAPUASA.

The association's General Secretary said FAPUASA was concerned about the harassment tactics used by some Vice Chancellors against the faculty members.

"FAPUASA Sindh urges such VCs to stop victimization of the faculty members, otherwise FAPUASA Sindh Chapter will protest against them," he warned.

Nangraj said FAPUASA wanted immediate appointment of morally and financially honest individuals as the VCs and said the practice of appointing ad hoc VCs should be abolished.

FAPUASA also asked Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah to reform the search committee so that competent VCs could be appointed on merit.

The association recommended that the members of the committee should be grade 22 officers or the Vice Chancellors.

He said the Sindh Chapter also endorsed the demand of FAPUASA Pakistan for the tax rebate of up to 75 percent to all university employees as it existed in the past.