Sports Vital For Youth: Dr Iqrar

Sports vital for youth: Dr Iqrar

FAISALABAD, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) The youth must be motivated to give a new life to sports grounds as

physical activities were vital for healthy society, said UAF Vice Chancellor

Prof Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan.

He was addressing the 34th All Pakistan Intervarsity Handball Men Championship

arranged by the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) in collaboration with

the Higher education Commission at the UAF on Wednesday.

As many as 11 universities across the country are participating in this championship,including

the UAF, GC University Faisalabad, the University of Faisalabad, University of Lahore, Punjab University Lahore, Central Punjab University, Khan Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan,

Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Lahore, University of Management and Technology, Minhaj University and Superior University.

Dr Iqrar said the UAF was taking all possible steps to promote sports activities among the youth

and sports made people physical as well as brains sound.

Chairperson Sports board Dr Bushra Sadia said sports not only improved

physical health of the youth but also enabled them to perform significantly in

development of the country.

Dr Khurram Zia, Ashiq Rasool, Farooq Ahmad, and others also spoke.