Aurangzeb Meets Delegation From Aerated Beverage Industry


Aurangzeb meets delegation from Aerated Beverage Industry

Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb on Wednesday met with a delegation of representatives from Aerated Beverage Industry led by President of Lotte Akhtar Beverages Ghazi Akhtar to discuss tax proposals and growth initiatives

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb on Wednesday met with a delegation of representatives from Aerated Beverage Industry led by President of Lotte Akhtar Beverages Ghazi Akhtar to discuss tax proposals and growth initiatives.

Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan Dr. Mehmet Pacaci also joined the meeting, said a news release.

The delegation expressed their appreciation for the government's economic initiatives and conveyed that they are encouraged by supportive policies of the government.

They presented several tax proposals for the upcoming fiscal year, suggesting adjustments to the Federal Excise Duty (FED) that could support their industry growth and contribute to the government's tax collection efforts.

The minister highlighted the government's commitment to support the private sector. He emphasized the Prime Minister's vision for the private sector led economic growth as reflected in the ongoing privatization efforts.

He assured the delegation that the government will proceed with strategic intent and within the available fiscal space.

The delegation thanked the Finance Minister and expressed optimism for continued collaboration and support.