Bahawalpur Consumer Council For Rate List Display

Bahawalpur Consumer Council for rate list display

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Jun, 2024) Assistant Director (Legal), District Consumer Protection Council Bahawalpur, Zeenat Mazhar has directed the outlets and shopkeepers must display rate list of products.

According to a press release issued here, business outlets, traders and shopkeepers were bound to display rate list of all products under rules and regulations. “Punjab Consumer Protection Act 2005 provides protection to consumers even they have right to check rate list of the products before purchasing them,” she said. She urged the consumers must check the rate list of the products before purchasing any product at any outlet or shop.

She said that a trader, shopkeeper shall be imposed fine worth Rs 50,000 if he or she did not display rate list of products at their outlet or shop. She said that shopkeeper was also bound to issue receipt to a consumer if he or she purchased any product at his or her outlet or shop. She advised consumers to approach District Consumer Protection Council if they had any complaint against a shopkeeper regarding provision of sub-standard product.

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