Cotton Cultivated Over 100,000 Acres In Faisalabad So Far: Director Agriculture

Cotton cultivated over 100,000 acres in Faisalabad so far: Director Agriculture

Divisional Director Agriculture (Extension) Chaudhry Khalid Mehmood said that cotton has so far been cultivated over 100,000 acres of land in Faisalabad division

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Divisional Director Agriculture (Extension) Chaudhry Khalid Mehmood said that cotton has so far been cultivated over 100,000 acres of land in Faisalabad division.

Addressing a farmers' day at the Dera of a progressive farmer Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in Chak 487-GB here, he said that the agriculture department had fixed a target of 115,800 acres of land for cotton cultivation in Faisalabad division this year. However, the farmers have so far brought 100,000 acres of their land under cotton cultivation while the remaining target would also be achieved very soon. He said that Pakistan is the fourth major country among cotton producing countries. He said that cotton is playing a pivotal role in national economy in addition to providing job to a large number of workforce in farmers' fields and textile industry.

He said that the Agriculture department has fully activated its field staff to persuade the growers for cotton cultivation over maximum space of their land whereas the government is also contemplating to protect the legitimate rights of the cotton growers at all levels.

He said that Superintending Engineer Irrigation Department Faisalabad Zone has also assured that the farmers in cotton belt areas would not face any shortage of canal water during next fortnights which is a crucial period for cotton cultivation.

He also directed the agriculture officers to support and guide the farmers at maximum extent so that they could cultivate cotton by using latest techniques to increase their per acre yield.

Assistant Director Agriculture Tehsil Sammundri Hafiz Muhammad Adeel also addressed the function and said that the government has announced to provide agri appliances on subsidized rates to the cotton growers besides facilitating them with quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.

He said that mechanized cultivation of different crops would also help in lessening financial burden of the farmers besides controlling the menace of smog at maximum extent.

On this occasion, the farmers demanded to fix Minimum Support price of cotton at rate of Rs 9300 per maund in addition to imposing ban on its import.