Fatima Jinnah Park Solarised

Fatima Jinnah Park solarised

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Dec, 2016 ) : The lights at the capital's largest park would no longer go off as its power system had been converted to solar energy. The project at Fatima Jinnah Park had been completed with aid in grant by Chinese government executed by the 7 China Railway Bureau Group.

It would produce about 840 KWH of electricity for the park. The solar system would illuminate the whole park including playland, walkways, cricket ground to facilitate the visitors. The handing over ceremony, held at the park Thursday, was witnessed by Minister for Finance Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Ambassador of China to Pakistan Sun Weidong and Mayor of Islamabad, Shaikh Ansar Aziz.

Secretary Economic Affairs Division, Tariq Bajwa and Chinese ambassador signed the agreement on behalf of their respective countries. Addressing the ceremony, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said government was determined to end power outage by 2018, which would enhance trade and business activities in the country.

He said Pak-China friendship was well known globally and both the countries had strong trade and diplomatic bonds which was higher than Himalayas and deeper than oceans. He said Pakistan valued this friendship and was greatful of the government and people of China for this gift of solarization of the park.

Dar said this was the second gift from China as it had provided assistance for installation of solar system in the Parliament building and now in Fatima Jinnah Park.

He appreciated the Chinese company and the CDA for completing the project before two months and ahead of its schedule, adding that the project would further cement the bilateral relations of both the countries and enhance the beauty of the park.

The minister said out of US$ 46 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project US$ 34 billion was allocated for energy development projects. He said bilateral relations of both the countries were moving towards new heights with every passing day as two countries had same point of views in bilateral and multilateral issues.

Speaking on the occasion, Shaikh Ansar Aziz said the project was a step forward towards further strengthening the relations of both the countries. He said the project was completely functional and solarisation of the park was a step towards making the capital a beautiful city of the world.

He said the local government was determined for the development of the Islamabad and it was taking appropriate steps to provide civic facilities to the people. Chinese ambassador said Chinese company worked day and night to complete the project and installed about 3,400 pieces of solar sheets on 240 acres of park.

He said it had zero emission and environment friendly clean power supply for the park which was gift from the government and people of China to Pakistan. He said the gift would further cement the bilateral relations of both the countries.