FCCI Demands Completion Of IP Gasline

FCCI demands completion of IP gasline

Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) Acting President Dr Sajjad Arshad has stressed the need to complete pending Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline on priority basis to avoid penalty of $18bn and to ensure gas supply to the industrial sector at the earliest

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) Acting President Dr Sajjad Arshad has stressed the need to complete pending Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline on priority basis to avoid penalty of $18bn and to ensure gas supply to the industrial sector at the earliest.

He expressed satisfaction over Iran-Pakistan engagement on the issue as the energy crisis had gripped Pakistan with a trickle-down impact on overall economy of the country. He said that Iran had laid the gas pipeline within its territory, but Pakistan could not start work on it due to US sanctions on Iran.

Being a brotherly country, Iran had extended the completion period of the agreed project, but still it was incomplete on the Pakistani side.

Dr Sajjad Arshad said "we are facing the worst energy crisis and in this scenario, the IP pipeline is in the best interest of Pakistan". H

He said initially Pakistan is required to lay only 80-kilometre pipeline within its territory while Iran had given consent to further extend completion period for another 180 days.