Lemon Jumps To Rs 1,000 Per Kg In Bahawalpur


Lemon jumps to Rs 1,000 per kg in Bahawalpur

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Lemon has gone out of reach for the poor after its price jumped from Rs 800 to Rs 1,000 per kilogram in Bahawalpur

APP learned on Saturday that lemon, which was being sold out at Rs 200 to 250 per kilogram last month in April 2024, has now gone out of reach of poor people. Its price has jumped to Rs 800 to 1,000 per kilogram in the local market of Bahawalpur.

“Due to very hot weather, demand for lemon has increased as people used to make Shikanjeen (lemonade juice),” said Ibrar, dealing with the business of vegetables, adding that the increasing demand for lemon has caused a surge in its price.

Meanwhile, the tomato rate has dropped to a minimum level. On Saturday, it was sold out at Rs 16 per kilogram; even a plastic bag of five kilograms was sold out at Rs 80 in Bahawalpur.

Bananas were being sold out at Rs 80 to Rs100 per dozen in the local market.