PBS Organizes Workshop On Data Users, Producers

PBS organizes workshop on data users, producers

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) in collaboration with UNFPA Pakistan Thursday organized workshop on data users and data producers for discussing emerging user needs, data requirements, challenges in data dissemination and accessibility

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Dec, 2023) Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) in collaboration with UNFPA Pakistan Thursday organized workshop on data users and data producers for discussing emerging user needs, data requirements, challenges in data dissemination and accessibility.

The event also discussed strategies of web based data dissemination, partnership for data dissemination and mechanism for systematic feedback on data dissemination, said a press release issued here.

The workshop was attended by stakeholders and development partners from Islamabad, AJK and GB.

Public organizations, relevant ministries, researchers, data users and representatives from international organizations attended the event.

Chief Statistician Dr. Naeemuz Zafar highlighted the history and functions of PBS by focusing on the first ever digital census and apprised the participants on engagement of data users and producers for data dissemination policy.

He also suggested steps to make data more useful, current modes of data dissemination.

He anticipated that with the collaboration of stakeholder data dissemination system could be improved.

UN Representative Dr. Luay Shabaneh acknowledged the completion of census and congratulated PBS on achieving the benchmark of first Digital Census.

He further added that it was very important to perceive, use and utilize data appropriately in Pakistan for informed decision making.

Sufyan Abu Harab from Palestine, Central Bureau of Statistics presented data dissemination strategies in an interactive way and stressed on disseminating the data according to needs of users.

Statistical office should be proactive about data user demands and data dissemination can become attractive for different categories of data users.

Secretary, Planning Development and Special Initiatives Awais Manzoor Sumra appreciated PBS for completing first ever Digital Census and anticipated that the workshop would be able to identify the emerging user needs and data requirements and the challenges faced by both data producers and user.

This workshop will help to design targeted and tailored data dissemination and enhance data accessibility, he said adding that the the workshop would set a milestone to devise a credible national data dissemination policy enabling all the stakeholders to satiate the thirst for data in interactive and friendly manners.