Poultry Meat Dropped To Rs 419 Kg In Bahawalpur


Poultry meat dropped to Rs 419 kg in Bahawalpur

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Poultry meat rate has dropped in local market of Bahawalpur as it was sold out at Rs 419 per kilogram on Saturday.

APP learnt on Saturday that price of poultry meat has dropped from Rs 750 per kilogram to Rs 419 per kilogram in local market of Bahawalpur.

In last monht of April 2024, its price had surged to Rs 750 per kilogram. However, due to measures taken by the Punjab government, its price has gradually dcreased during last 20 days.

However, it was also being sold out at Rs 430 to Rs 460 in some areas of the city.

“The government officials concerned have been monitoring the price of poultry price on daily basis,” said Qureshi, a shopkeeper dealing with bussiness of poultry.