PSX Introduces Text-to-Speech Feature On Its Website

PSX introduces Text-to-Speech feature on its website

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) pakistan stock exchange (PSX) has introduced its new Text-to-Speech feature on psx website, specifically tailored for the blogs and articles section.

This audio enhancement aims to significantly improve accessibility and convenience for users browsing specific content available on PSX website, said a news release here on Saturday.

The Text-to-Speech functionality proves especially valuable for those individuals who prefer listening to content rather than reading.

Additionally, this service caters to those of PSX’s patrons facing visual impairment, reading difficulties, or those who prefer to do multitasking and would simply want to listen to content on the go.

The audio player is embedded in the various blogs and articles available on the PSX website for a smooth listening experience. This audio feature offers customizable options such as playback speed adjustment and effortless navigation.

PSX Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Farrukh H. Khan said “We are delighted to introduce the Text-to-Speech facility enhancing accessibility for all PSX website users, specifically those who access the blogs & articles section of the website.

This service enables seamless consumption of content through the embedded audio player.

It underscores PSX’s commitment to leveraging technology for the benefit of our valued stakeholders, customers and website users.

Moreover, it is a reflection of our dedication to promoting investor education and awareness, catering to diverse preferences and needs, including visual impairments or reading disabilities.

This aligns well with PSX’s responsibility towards adopting and reporting on ESG standards including the component of diversity & inclusivity”, he added.

Chief Marketing & business Development Officer at PSX Ms. Raeda Latif said “Introducing the Text-to-Speech facility on the PSX website is an important development which augments PSX’s standing as a robust and modern Exchange that caters to the diverse needs of its customers, stakeholders, investors and issuers.

By adding value to the education and awareness activities in the form of Text-to-Speech feature in its website blogs & articles section, PSX has once again shown its resolve to use technology to facilitate its stakeholders including its website users who may have varied needs or impairments.

This demonstrates PSX is a responsible Exchange which is committed to ESG including its D&I concerns”, she added.