Sino-Pak Joint Diploma To Further Strengthen Pak-China Agri Relations: Speakers


Sino-Pak Joint Diploma to further strengthen Pak-China agri relations: Speakers

The Sino-Pak Joint Diploma in Modern Agricultural Technology at the Community College of University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) will further strengthen Pak-China agricultural relations

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Nov, 2023) The Sino-Pak Joint Diploma in Modern Agricultural Technology at the Community College of University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) will further strengthen Pak-China agricultural relations.

These views were expressed by the speakers while addressing the orientation session organized for students admitted in Sino Pak joint diploma Modern Agricultural Technology.

Peng Dongjun, President, Bailie Vocational College (BVC), China; Chen Haiyu, Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office; Tang Weijie, Dean of Modern Agriculture College, BV, Xie Husheng, staff of International Cooperation and Exchange; UAF Community College of Principal Dr. Anjum Zia, Yasir Shakur, Dr. Athar Mehmood, Dr. Shafiqur Rehman and others attended.

Peng Dongjun said that the joint diploma will provide opportunities to students to benefit from the scientists of both countries, which will enable them to achieve a bright future.

Song said that under Tang International Education Group, subsidiaries have been established in Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, South Africa, Russia and other countries.

Dr. Anjum Zia said that the second batch of this joint diploma has entered the campus. He said that the student will study for the first two years in the University of Agriculture and the third year in China.

He said that this diploma is unique in its kind through which students will play their role in agri development through education in modern agricultural technology.