Steps Afoot To Cut Essential Commodities Prices: Ch Shafay

Steps afoot to cut essential commodities prices: Ch Shafay

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Apr, 2024) Provincial Minister of Industry and Commerce Chaudhry Shafay Hussain said here Monday that the government under the leadership of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif is making all out efforts to end inflation and dearness, besides reducing the prices of essential commodities after the historic Ramadan package.

The reduction in the prices of wheat bread (Roti/Naan) is a mega step providing relief to the people, he said and added that all the districts administration have also been directed to ensure the implementation of the decision to reduce the prices of Roti and Naan. The price control committees and other relevant institutions should also play their active role to ensure the sale of Roti at Rs 16 and Naan at Rs 20, he asserted.

The Provincial Minister said that measures would be continued to make life easier for the people, citing that welfare schemes are being rapidly promoted across the province.

He vowed that economy would be stabilized by bringing about an industrial revolution in Punjab. "We will increase employment opportunities by bringing new investments," he mentioned.

Provincial Minister Shafay Hussain said that Punjab would be made the center of economic activities in the true sense, and economic policies would be made easy and investor-friendly for the promotion of domestic and foreign investments.