Switzerland To Introduce Price Cap On Russian Oil Products Starting Wednesday - Statement

Switzerland to Introduce Price Cap on Russian Oil Products Starting Wednesday - Statement

Switzerland will impose a price cap on Russian oil products starting Wednesday, the Swiss Economy Ministry said

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 15th February, 2023) Switzerland will impose a price cap on Russian oil products starting Wednesday, the Swiss Economy Ministry said.

"The Federal Council today aligned its sanctions regime on crude oil and petroleum products from Russia with the latest package of sanctions adopted by the European Union (EU).

The new measures enter into effect at 6pm (17:00 GMT) on 15 February 2023," the statement said.

According to the statement, trade, brokering and transport of Russian heating oil will be allowed only if the price does not exceed $45 per barrel, and of Russian petrol, diesel or kerosene � if the price does not exceed $100 per barrel.