Weather-24 Hours

Weather-24 hours

Director Met ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Nov, 2016 ) : Director , Meteorological Department of Pakistan Muhammad Hanif predicted on Saturday the cloudy weather to prevail in upper parts of the country during the next twenty-four hours.

However,light rain with light snowfall over the hills is expected at isolated places of Malakand, Hazara divisions, upper FATA, Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, Radio Pakistan reported. He said that shallow foggy conditions likely in plain areas of Punjab and upper Sindh during morning hours.

Temperature of some major cities recorded this morning: Islamabad and Muzaffarabad ten degree centigrade, Lahore thirteen, Karachi fifteen, Peshawar eleven, Quetta two, Gilgit six and Murree eight degree centigrade. APP/rb/mtd/