Govt Primary School (GPS) Zang Lani, Dera Ghazi Khan

Govt Primary School Zang Lani is located in Dera Ghazi Khan District of Punjab Province in Pakistan. There are total 54 students and 3 teachers, and 2 classrooms in the school. There is no computer lab or computer students, and no library for students is available.. Sajjad Hussain is the headmaster of the school. You can find more information about GPS Zang Lani School including Admissions, Basic Facilities, Sports Facilities, Academic Facilities, Enrollment of Students according to class & teachers profile according to their designation and qualifications.

GPS Zang Lani Headmaster

NameSajjad Hussain

GPS Zang Lani Teaching Staff

Name Designation Grade Posting in School Qualification
Afsha Khan ESE(A) 09 2016 BS(|Hon)
Pervaiz Akhter ESE(A) 09 2016 BS(|Hon)
Sajjad Hussain ESE(S-M) 09 2015 BS(|Hon)

GPS Zang Lani Facilities

Basic Facilities

Drinking WaterAvailable
Boundary WallAvailable
Main GateAvailable
Play GroundNot Available
ToiletsNot Available
Teachers Furniture3
Students Furniture24

Sports Facilities

Table TennisNo

Academic Facilities

No.of Books0
Computer LabsNo
Computer Students0

Enrollment of Student

Kachi30 Students
Class 111 Students
Class 28 Students
Class 33 Students
Class 52 Students

Latest Comments

بستی زنگلانی کو انیس سو اکسٹھ کی دہائی میں سکول دیا گیا تھا اس کے بعد حکومت کی طرف سے کوئی ترقیاتی کام اس علاقے میں نہیں ہوئے روڈ جیسی سہولیات اور بنیادی کوئی ہیلتھ ڈسپنسری بھی نہیں ہے اس علاقے میں روڈ نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے استاد آتے تو ہے اس سکول میں پر زیادہ دیر نہیں رکھتے ٹرانسفر کر جاتے ہیں اس سکول سے

By: Shahmeer on 12-03-2020

zanglani School was completed in that no kind of work was done From the side of the government because of the hard way and the No Basic facility. The master is transferred by this appearance.

By: Shahmeer on 12-03-2020