Mazhar Ul Islam, School Teacher in Rahimyar Khan (84761)

Mazhar Ul Islam is school teacher in Rahimyar Khan, Punjab Pakistan. Mazhar Ul Islam's current designation is PST/PTC/JV, grade is 09 and posted in Govt High School Chandrami School. Mazhar Ul Islam is posted in Education dept since 2012, and posted in current school since 2016. Mazhar Ul Islam Qualification is M.SC. and Professional Qualification is B.ED.. You can check more information like mobile phone number, whatsapp number, email address and postal address of the teacher at this page.

NameMazhar Ul Islam
Posting in Education Dept.2012
Posting in School2016
School NameGovt High School Chandrami
Professional QualificationB.ED.

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Nabeela Mansoor ESE(S-M) 09 2016 M.A.
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