Majority Of Malakand People Reject Confrontational Politics By

Joining PML-N: Muqam

Majority of Malakand people reject confrontational politics by 
joining PML-N: Muqam

CHAKDARA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th August, 2016) : Advisor to Prime Minister and Central Leader of PML-N, Ameer Muqam said here Monday that scores of people in Malakand division were joining PML-N, which was a testimony to the fact that people believed in progress oriented policies of Federal government and rejected politics of confrontation in the larger interest of the country.

He expressed these views while addressing a public gathering at Chakdara wherein Teshil Nazim Jamal Khan along with hundreds of supporters joined PML-N. Muqam said that efforts of federal government for the progress of Malakand division were bearing fruits and people here would soon see a visible and positive change on the map of Malakand.

He said that people believed in practical work rather than hollow slogans and politics of mudslinging. He advised Imran Khan to abandon his politics of confrontation and false allegations and said Imran's dream of becoming Prime Minister will not be materialized with such attitude and ill-mannered politics.

Muqam said that it would have been far better if Imran rather than blaming other provinces checked corruption in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as KP Ehtesab Commission had almost gone dysfunctional here.

The slogans of billion trees tsunami was also mere a hollow slogan as he said no forestation was made in mountainous areas or other appropriate places. Muqam added that the KP government wasted three precious years of its people and now was going for so called projects to attract support of the people for next general election.

He said there was a remote controlled chief minister performing in Khyber Pakhtukhwa and in fact all the decisions were taken and imposed from Bani Gala. He said the PTI deceived the people in the name of change but sadly no change was witnessed in any sector.

The PTI always talked about bringing reforms but no reforms were introduced or witnessed in health, education or any other sector, he added. The federal government, he said established a state-of-the-art Kidney Hospital at Swat, constructed Chakdara to Madyan Road, and expedited work on long awaited Lowari Tunnel.

He said 20 billion out of 28 billion have been spent on Lowari Tunnel project that would be inaugurated next year. Swat-Shangla Expressway-II has been approved while 220KV Grid Station at Thana costing three billion rupees would also be inaugurated during the current month; he said adding to address the issue of low pressure of Sui gas in Malakand division, a 12 inch diameter pipeline from Mardan had also been approved costing three billion rupees.

Muqam said the ratio of price hike was at decline and stocks of foreign reserves were at all time high which was a proof of progressive economy in the country. Muqam hoped that owing to people friendly policies of PML-N, the party would get even greater majority in the general election 2018 and form governments in the entire country.

At the end, Muqam congratulated all the newly entrants to PML-N and said they had chosen the right path. The PML-N he added would not let down its workers at any cost.