PESCO Surveillance Team Nab 189 Accused Of Power Pilferage

PESCO surveillance team nab 189 accused of power pilferage

PESHAWAR, Nov 28 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Nov, 2016 ) : Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) surveillance teams during the drive against power pilferage and slow meters apprehended 189 accused of power theft, said PESCO spokesman here on Friday.

He said that PESCO surveillance team raided in different areas of Peshawar, Mardan and Khyber Circles and nabbed 98 accused of direct connection and 91 of slow meters. He said the power meter of Pajagi CNG was found 33 per cent slow.

Similarly in Gulbahar sub Division the meter of 2 tubewells 5 Water supply Schemes were found slow. In Skindarpura Sub Division 10 domestic consumers were caught red handed while consuming electricity illegally.

In Gulberg S/Division 5 Direct commercial connections and 2 commercial connections were found slow. In Peshawar University Town-1 sub Division 19 connection were founded slow.

In Pubbi -2 of Khyber Circle, 3 Industrial direct connections were caught, while in Pubbi-1 sub Division, 4 Flour Mills and in Akora Khattak and 15 tube wells were involved in electricity stealing.

In Risalpur Sub Division 33 electricity stealers were caught red handed. In College Town Kohat, 25 electricity stealers were arrested. In Par Hoti Sub Division of Mardan Circle, 4 in Chota Lahore Sub Divison and 5 direct hooks were removed.

In Zaida Sub Division 7 direct connections were removed. While in Urban Sub Division and Cantt sub division of Bannu Circle, 34 direct connections were removed. He said drive against illegal use of electricity and direct hooks will continue and accused of power theft would be dealt with iron hands.