Karachi Bling Special Edition SEP Fashion Summit Concludes


Karachi Bling Special edition SEP Fashion Summit concludes

The Karachi Bling Special Edition Session of SEP Fashion Summit concluded on a high note on Tuesday

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th May, 2024) The Karachi Bling Special Edition Session of SEP Fashion Summit concluded on a high note on Tuesday.

The event kicked off with the national anthem followed by emcee Samiya Asim inviting SEP PR Desk head Shanaz Ramzi to welcome the guests. Ramzi informed that this is SEP’s second Fashion Summit, the first one having taken place in 2021.

A special bling edition, this summit is an ode to Pakistan’s fashion industry, to discuss its pros and cons -- at a time when the industry is on the wane -- with the stalwarts of our fashion and related industries participating and showing their support for its revival.

Huma Nasr, the founder, CEO and Creative Director of Shaane Pakistan then spoke of her vision and journey as a show director, highlighting her constant endeavours to promote fashion and music as she feels they go hand in hand and are great connectors, uniting people in all over the world.

She also shared that she has opened the doors of SEP House for activities related to fashion and music as she wants to support local culture as much as possible.

Ahmed Chinoy (HI, SI,) director Stock Exchange addressed the audience and showed appreciation of the government for Huma’s efforts to keep fashion alive and make it a thriving industry by presenting her with a Shield of Appreciation.

Diverse aspects of fashion focusing on all the various industries that fashion touches and are influenced by came up next, moderated by Maliha Rehman and with panelists Amina Khan, Neha Mashooqullah, Bismillah Pervez and Zhalay Sarhadi. The light-hearted discussion was on the various elements that affect fashionist and vice versa.

The last panel discussion was on Digital Fashion moderated by Shaha Tariq, with panelists, Humaira Ali, Somayeh Bardai and Irfan Pardesi focusing on online fashion.

The CEO, Huma Nasr, intends towards a prosperous Pakistan through the effective propagation of ideas and creativity in all domains. It is a platform driving universality, peace while celebrating all commonalities and differences alike. Huma Nasr as Creative Director aims to make a happening national event where we celebrate Pakistani food, music, art culture, fashion and rise internationally.