Dutch Model Donny Roelvink Embraces Islam


Dutch model Donny Roelvink embraces Islam

The challenging experiences prompted Roelvink to seek spiritual solace, eventually leading him to embrace Islam.

LAHORE: (UrduPoint/UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News-April 23rd, 2024) islam is spreading rapidly, especially in the wake of the ongoing crisis in Gaza as numerous influential figures outside the Muslim world embraced the faith.

One such notable individual who has recently embraced Islam is Donny Roelvink, a Dutch model and singer.

Roelvink's journey towards Islam began after he survived a serious accident, where he was struck by a car during a shooting incident, resulting in multiple rib fractures and lung damage.

After a prolonged recovery period, he was diagnosed with cancer later that year and underwent treatment.

These challenging experiences prompted Roelvink to seek spiritual solace, eventually leading him to embrace Islam.

This year, he observed Ramadan, frequented mosques, and delved into the study of the Quran, culminating in his formal acceptance of Islam.

The news of Roelvink's conversion has garnered attention worldwide, with Muslims extending warm welcomes to him within the faith community.

Images of his acceptance of Islam in the mosque have circulated on social media. Though initially hesitant about filming the event, Roelvink has permitted its sharing if others choose to do so.