Heavy Rains Kill 3 In El Salvador


Heavy rains kill 3 in El Salvador

SAN SALVADOR, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Jun, 2017 ) - Three people have died in El Salvador from heavy rains that have triggered a national flooding alert and caused rivers to burst their banks, the civil protection service said Thursday.

The intense precipitation ran through Wednesday night, "generating multiple incidents due to the high-saturation levels of the soil," the service said in a bulletin. The deaths occurred in three provinces: in northeastern Cuscatlan, southeastern La Paz and western Ahuachapan.

One person died when a tree fell on him, another when a wall fell on his house, and the third in a traffic accident caused by the sudden rain that cut visibility. At least 100 houses were flooded in the coastal town of La Libertad, prompting the evacuation of 40 families.