Daewoo Express Departure From Kohat Schedule, Ticket Prices, Bus Timings

You can know the schedule of all Daewoo Express buses departing from Kohat on this page. Here you will find out Daewoo Express bus departure from Kohat to all the locations of Pakistan. Buses departure schedule of Daewoo Express from Kohat with ticket prices, booking and reservation details, and booking options are available here.

DestinationTimePrice / Type
Kohat to Gandi Chowk 01:20 AM


Rs. . 609

Super Luxury

Kohat to Gandi Chowk 10:05 AM


Rs. . 609

Super Luxury

Kohat to Gandi Chowk 01:35 PM


Rs. . 609

Super Luxury

Kohat to Gandi Chowk 04:05 PM


Rs. . 609

Super Luxury

Kohat to Gandi Chowk 06:05 PM


Rs. . 609

Super Luxury

Kohat to Dera Ismail Khan 12:35 AM


Rs. 1610


Kohat to Dera Ismail Khan 10:05 AM


Rs. 1610


Kohat to Dera Ismail Khan 05:05 PM


Rs. 1610


Kohat to Peshawar 02:45 AM


Rs. 950


Kohat to Peshawar 12:15 PM


Rs. 950


Kohat to Peshawar 06:45 PM


Rs. 950


Daewoo Express Kohat Departure Schedule

Daewoo Express operates various bus routes from Kohat. You can know all the routes of Daewoo Express departing from Kohat at UrduPoint. No matter where you want to travel from Kohat, you will surely find a relevant bus departure schedule by Daewoo Express.

Along with the available departure routes from Daewoo Express, you can also know the ticket prices of Daewoo Express for all routes. This way, you can easily plan your journey from Kohat through Daewoo Express.

You can share this Daewoo Express Kohat departure schedule with other people who frequently travel by Kohat. You can also bookmark this page for future reference whenever you travel from Kohat through Daewoo Express.

Latest Comments

Tell me about location please 🥺...

By: Javed Khan on 09-11-2021

I intend to travel from Kohat to okara cantt. Please guide me Umar Kohat

By: Umar on 31-10-2021

Want to go to faisal abad from guide me for availing your service.

By: Dr.Altaf on 22-09-2021

I want to get to Peshawar today. Are there available for today?

By: Mohammad Humayun on 07-11-2020

I want to get to Peshawar today. Are there seats available for today?

By: Mohammad Humayun on 07-11-2020

I want to leave for Dera Ismail Khan at 10:30 am tomorrow please guide me for booking.

By: Muhammmad Khalid Khan on 22-07-2020