BFC Tops By Issuing 50 NOCs In Three Days

BFC tops by issuing 50 NOCs in three days

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) The Business Facilitation Center (BFC) Faisalabad has issued 50 NOCs to the business community in three days and remained at top in discharging speedy service across the province.

A spokesman for local administration said here on Sunday that BFC Faisalabad had received 121 applications from May 14 to 16 and the center after completing legal process issued 50 NOCs to businessmen during last 3 days. In this way the Faisalabad center clinched top position in issuing NOCs to the business community whereas the Lahore Center remained second by receiving 407 applications and issuing 129 NOCs.

Similarly, Sialkot issued 23 NOCs, Multan 22 and Rawalpindi issued 5 NOCs during this period, he added. Divisional Commissioner Madam Silwat Saeed appreciated the performance of the BFC Faisalabad and said that it was providing speedy service under one roof which would surely help restore the confidence of the business community in government departments.