US, French, German, UK Defense Officials Discussed Ukraine - Pentagon

US, French, German, UK Defense Officials Discussed Ukraine - Pentagon

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 11th October, 2022) Senior defense officials from the United States, France, Germany and the UK have discussed support for Ukraine ahead of the upcoming meeting of NATO defense ministers, the Pentagon said in a statement.

"Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl participated in a meeting hosted by French Ministry of the Armed Forces Director General for International Relations and Strategy Alice Guitton, joined by German Federal Ministry of Defense Director General for Security and Defense Policy Jasper Wieck and UK Ministry of Defence Director General Security Policy Paul Wyatt in Paris, France, Oct.

7," according to the statement.

"The leaders previewed the forthcoming NATO Defense Ministerial, discussing a range of security challenges facing the Alliance. They underscored the importance of Alliance unity and reaffirmed unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. They also discussed developments related to mutual security interests, including in the middle East, Africa, and Indo-Pacific region," the US Department of Defense said.

It said Kahl, Guitton, Wieck and Wyatt agreed to remain in touch on important issues.