Diminutive Meaning In Urdu
Diminutive Meaning in English to Urdu is کوتاہ, as written in Urdu and Kotah, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Diminutive which include Bantam, Bitsy, Bitty, Button, Lilliputian, Little, Midget, Mini, Miniature, Minute, Pocket, Small, Teeny, Wee, Weeny, Peewee, Undersize, etc.
Ism Tasgheer | اسم تصغیر |
Kotah | کوتاہ |
Zara Sa | ذرا سا |
Chhota | چھوٹا |
Definitions of Diminutive
adj. Below the average size; very small; little.
adj. Expressing diminution.
adj. Tending to diminish.
n. Something of very small size or value; an insignificant thing.
n. A derivative from a noun, denoting a small or a young object of the same kind with that denoted by the primitive.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Diminutive [dih-min-yuh-tiv]
Origin of Diminutive Late Middle English (as a grammatical term): from Old French diminutif, -ive, from late Latin diminutivus, from Latin deminut- ‘diminished’, from the verb deminuere (see diminish).
Synonyms For Diminutive , Similar to Diminutive
Bantam, Bitsy, Bitty, Button, Lilliputian, Little, Midget, Mini, Miniature, Minute, Pocket, Small, Teeny, Wee, Weeny, Peewee, Undersize,Antonyms For Diminutive , Opposite to Diminutive
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