Disturb Meaning In Urdu
Disturb Meaning in English to Urdu is خلل ڈالنا, as written in Urdu and Khalal Daalna, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Disturb which include Abidances, Afflict, Agitate, Alarm, Amaze, Annoy, Arouse, Astound, Complicate, Confound, Confuse, Depress, Discompose, Dishearten, Disrupt, Distract, Excite, Frighten, Gall, Grieve, Interfere, Interrupt, Intrude, Irk, Irritate, Muddle, Outrage, Pain, Perplex, Perturb, Pester, Pique, Plague, Rattle, Shake, Startle, Tire, Trouble, Unnerve, Unsettle, Vex, Worry, Provoke, Puzzle, etc.
خلل ڈالنا
Khalal Daalna
Pareshan Karna | پریشان کرنا |
Khalal Daalna | خلل ڈالنا |
Uljan Mein Daalna | الجھن میں ڈالنا |
Definitions of Disturb
n. Disturbance.
transitive v. To throw into disorder or confusion; to derange; to interrupt the settled state of; to excite from a state of rest.
transitive v. To agitate the mind of; to deprive of tranquillity; to disquiet; to render uneasy.
transitive v. To turn from a regular or designed course.
Form Verb (used With Object)
How To Spell Disturb [dih-sturb]
Origin of Disturb Middle English: from Old French destourber, from Latin disturbare, from dis- ‘utterly’ + turbare ‘disturb’ (from turba ‘tumult’).
Synonyms For Disturb , Similar to Disturb
Abidances, Afflict, Agitate, Alarm, Amaze, Annoy, Arouse, Astound, Complicate, Confound, Confuse, Depress, Discompose, Dishearten, Disrupt, Distract, Excite, Frighten, Gall, Grieve, Interfere, Interrupt, Intrude, Irk, Irritate, Muddle, Outrage, Pain, Perplex, Perturb, Pester, Pique, Plague, Rattle, Shake, Startle, Tire, Trouble, Unnerve, Unsettle, Vex, Worry, Provoke, Puzzle,Antonyms For Disturb , Opposite to Disturb
Aid, Appease, Arrange, Assist, Bore, Calm, Cheer, Clarify, Comfort, Compose, Delight, Encourage, Enlighten, Exhilarate, Explain, Gladden, Help, Locate, Lull, Order, Organize, Pacify, Placate, Please, Quiet, Reassure, Soothe, Sort, Tranquilize, Make Happy, Clear Up,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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