Gradual Meaning In Urdu
Gradual Meaning in English to Urdu is بتدریج, as written in Urdu and Batadreej, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Gradual which include Continuous, Creeping, Even, Gentle, Graduate, Moderate, Piecemeal, Regular, Slow, Steady, Successive, Unhurried, Progressive, By Degrees, etc.
[graj-oo-uh l]
Rafta Rafta | رفتہ رفتہ |
Darja Badarja | درجہ بدرجہ |
Batadreej | بتدریج |
Definitions of Gradual
adj. Proceeding by steps or degrees; advancing, step by step, as in ascent or descent or from one state to another; regularly progressive; slow
n. An antiphon or responsory after the epistle, in the Mass, which was sung on the steps, or while the deacon ascended the steps.
n. A service book containing the musical portions of the Mass.
n. A series of steps.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Gradual [graj-oo-uh l]
Origin of Gradual Late Middle English: from medieval Latin gradualis, from Latin gradus ‘step’. The original sense of the adjective was ‘arranged in degrees’; the noun refers to the altar steps in a church, from which the antiphons were sung.
Synonyms For Gradual , Similar to Gradual
Continuous, Creeping, Even, Gentle, Graduate, Moderate, Piecemeal, Regular, Slow, Steady, Successive, Unhurried, Progressive, By Degrees,Antonyms For Gradual , Opposite to Gradual
Abrupt, Discontinuous, Infrequent, Intermittent, Irregular, Sudden, Uneven,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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